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What Does Food Symbolize?

Food symbolizes life , it is energy that we borrow from earth. The food we eat is either artificial or basic ingredients that grows on farm, but which ever food that we choose to eat, there will be a natural sense of nurturing our bodies. The life that food gives us is pure and healthy. Not all food is healthy, like junk food, but the food that we get fresh from the market gives us energy to cook and love the members of our life which is healthy for our bodies and our sprirt. The comfort with food that people have is normal because it is what our ancestors used to supply their body with nurishment ever since man began walking. The energy that we borrow, would be transfer back through feelings and emotions. Meaning the food we store and buy, would get decomposed into our body and give off life and happiness. To humans, food is more than a means of survival, but a way to connect with our emotions, other people, and our enviorment. We use it as a tool to learn about numerous things, including ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Re-read the assignment on the blog. You needed to pick one kind of food that is symbolic (like an Easter egg or Passover lamb for example) and explain the symbolism.
