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The weirdest thing that I've experienced with food was when my cousin an I play Fear Factor. Our rambunctious minds were so creative that we thought of ideas that we should play for that afternoon. Fear Factor was a really popular show at the time and me and my cousin wanted to replicate it. We gathered anything that we could think of that was edible and mashed it together. I was up first and I put together a Gusher, pickle, peanut butter, yogurt and cracker combination for her to eat. Then she did the unthinkable. She created a chocolate ice cream bar, cooked leftover noodles, mashed potatoes, oranges, bread and tons of hot sauce sandwich. She laughed and put the combination in the microwave, thinking I wasn't going to eat it, but i was. To show her that I was able to hold my food because I was older, I took a big bite out of the sandwich. The hot sauce oozed down the side of my face as the obnoxious taste hit me. I wanted to spit it out but I had to show her that I be better than her. The moral of the story is never make your younger cousin make food for you... I thought I was fine, until I ended up in the hospital for food posioning!

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